Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I try to stay away from political discussions, because I think most issues are too complicated to really resolve without a lot "but in this case" exceptions to whatever rule you want to make. That being said, I think a lot of polictical debate would be better served if this happened. This is copied from Jimmy Stewart's imdb trivia page.

His best friend was probably Henry Fonda, whom he meet while at acting camp. Early on, they got into a fist-fight over politics (Stewart was a staunch Republican, Fonda a very liberal Democrat) that was won by Fonda, but they apparently never discussed politics again. When Fonda moved to Hollywood, he lived with Stewart and the two gained a reputation as some of the playboys in Hollywood. Once married, both men's children noted that their favorite activity when not working seemed to be silently painting model airplanes together.

I think a lot of the utter hate and bile spewed by the politicos would subside if they just had themsleves a good fist fight and got over it.

The Internet Movie Database

Monday, January 23, 2006

Well, that's a useful error message

It seems the error message that has bothered me for the last few days on a new system I'm trying to build is also occuring on my production system. This means that the error message means nithing, since my production systemn is working fine. My new system was working fine, then was not working fine, and is now working fine again. It's also getting the error message, but it's working so yippee! Until the next time I shut it down. Will it come back up again? Tune in next week for Nuggie versus AppWorx versus the OIC in a triple threat smackdown.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Well, that worked swimmingly

Writing every day, hahaha!

Work has been so busy, I haven't had time for much else. And with my sweetine wanting me to spend less time on the computer, well, there you go. Maybe I'd be better off working on my angelfire page again.

Monday, January 09, 2006


I read a book... well actually I only read the forward. I was reading it in the library passing time and I didn't want to check it out. But I digress.

I read a book once by Isaac Asimov. He said that he wrote from 9 to 5 as his regular job. He'd show up at 9 and begin writing on whatever struck him, fiction, non-fiction, opinion, whatever. I'm think of taking this approach to the blog. Take 15 or so minutes everyday and just write. Whatever comes to mind, I'll type it in. That means that some might be good, some might be bad, and some might just be. I've done a little better with the posting in the last couple weeks or so, but I still leave a lot to be desired. I often think of things through the day that never make it to the page.

We'll see how this works out.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

My favorite actor

Today is Robert Duvall's birthday. He's my favorite actor. Just a small glance at his body of work IMDB page gives a view of many great films. He's a great lead and a good buddy for a dual lead movie, but he's at his best in support, like the detective in Falling Down or the lawyer in A Civil Action. Then again, he was great in Open Range and Secondhand Lions, too. I'm one of few race fans who actually liked Days of Thunder. The Apostle seemed real and accurate to me. Network was before its time. Tender Mercies, THX-1138 and on and on. It's just a wonderful set of films, with wonderful performances.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

So long, Coal River Sam

According to a post at Jerry Waters' message board, Coal River Sam has passed away. Unless you are a listener of Charleston, WV talk radio or are from this area, that name probably doesn't mean anything. But if you do listen to local talk here, then your heart probably just sunk a bit. I never had the pleasure of meeting Sam face to face, but he sure did seem passionate when he called in. He'd rail on whatever the topic of the day, usually quoting the law the way a preacher quotes scripture. "WV code section 4 paragraph 2 states that such and such, so obviously what the state is trying to do is illegal" might be something he'd say.

So long, Coal River Sam, I salute you.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Give me some Sugar, I am your neighbor

Well, that certainly was unexpected. No, not the well past its prime OutKast quote I used for a title, but the fact the the might West Virginia Mountaineers defeated the Georgia Bulldogs in the Nokia Sugar Bowl. All I really wanted was for the boys to have a respectable showing, and I wasn't really expecting that. Yet, when push came to shove, the WVU team struck first and held on.

Congratulations, WVU!