Like most of the people I know, I'm overweight. I used to to be a lot worse, but I also used to be better. A few years ago, I was really bad. We had been doing a Walk at Work program. A couple of girls at work invited me to go to Weight Watchers with them. I went and the program worked really well for me. My first weigh in was 308 (remember that I had been walking, so I started somewhere above that) After about 10 months, I got a 75 pound magnet. That was kinda flukey, I think, but I was doing well at about 240. Then I got to doing other things and skipping the old WW meetings. You still have to pay for missed meetings, so it was getting expensive. My weight slowly started creeping back up into the 260's. That's still about 40 pounds from where I started, so I'm not a total failure. I'm having a hard time staying motivated. It's odd, because whether I eat light or eat a lot, my weight still hangs around the same numbers. What I have to do is make time for exercise. When I was on Weight Watchers I had a Gazelle, and that worked really good. As I said in my last post, I've been reading while using a recumbent bike, and for the last week I've lost a couple of pounds.
We are doing a Biggest Loser type deal here at work, so hopefully that can help motivated me, too. We'll see if I cna mae it through the weekend without gaining anymore than where I started for Biggest Loser, then I'll know if my weight is headed in the right direction.
The weird thing about my weight is that it's all in my belly. My legs are pretty normal, my arms are fine, my face is fine. Of course, they say belly fat is the last to go, so we'll see if I can get back on track.
Nuggie, I'm in the same boat. I'm between 280 and 300 right now. How about we support each other? I'm going to go look at treadmills this weekend.
I think it'll help my diabetes too.
I'll do what I can. I have no doubt in my mind that before Weight Watchers, I was headed towards diabetes, not to mention heart disease and all the other stuff you get from obesity.
If my yard were a bit smaller, I would have gotten a push mower. I need to finish one end of the yard before the other needs it, though.
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