Friday, June 30, 2006

Watch out

So's I'm driving to work this morning, and what to I see on the opposite side of the fourlane? A buck deer in all his velvety splendor running down the middle of the highway. Of course, I got up on the wheel, because I figured he would jump the barrier into my lane, causing him to get hurt and my car to get damaged. I went on by and was thankful he didn't get me. He was headed toward the middle and going the wrong way, so the odds of him making it to the woods are pretty low. I hate when a deer is killed by a car. It may seem odd, because I hunt and it's ok if they get killed by a bullet or an arrow, as long as they get eaten.


Juanita said...

You should get those deer whistlers thingies. I hear they work well. :snark:

Budgyrl said...

I agree with this post so much and so does Budman. Unfortunatly, living where we do, we see it far too much, since we have gone from country to city in only a few short years.

Taz said...

I feel the same way, Nuggie. I believe that most hunters do.