Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Word of warning

I noticed that I wasn't receiving that many comments to my threads. Of course, once I realized that I seldom comment on other people's blogs, I got the beam out of my eye and I'm now going to make an effort to comment on your blogs, oh citizens of Nuggie Land. Sometimes, that might mean a cogent thought, and sometimes that might be "Me, too!" but I will try to make them useful.

Man with log in eye pointing at man with beam in eye who was talking to a man with a squinty eye


Taz said...

Perhaps you should make a "Don't worry..I'm going to go pee" post.

Nuggie99 said...

No, I can still pee and blog at the same time.

NineCats said...

Well, the one you left me this morning was useful. ;-) Thanks!

Tiny said...

I gotta admit, I'm not as good about commenting as I should be either.

Maybe because all of my first reactions to something always seem so sappy I want to barf.

Ethel said...

I cannot pee and blog at the same time. We should have some sort of workshop. Nuggie could teach about multitasking and Taz could teach us how to tie two cherry stems together with our tongues.

Budgyrl said...

I'd totally attend that workshop Ethel!!