Sunday, May 07, 2006

Roadhouse Blues

Saturday, our plan was to go watch Juanita's niece and nephew play ball. On the trip, we were going to deliver her step mom's Mother's Day present. Unfortunately the kids were sick, so that plan was cancelled. We then decided to take the gift to her aunt to take home to give to Juanita's dad. As we were getting in the car I asked Juanita if she has her house keys. She didn't. I didn't either. Luckily we had planned on replacing the back door to the house anyway. We broke out the back glass and opened it from the inside. Then if was oft to Lowe's after the gift was delivered for a new door. The rest of Saturday was spent installing the new door. It was a pain, but we got in it.

1 comment:

NineCats said...

Hey Nuggie you're becoming a regular Bob Vila!