Monday, May 01, 2006

That wasn't so bad

It turns out that it was a blown fuse in the furnace, so it's been fixed. The service guy had been to the house before we bought it, so he was familiar with the house. He gave us some advice on another issue we had, so it was worth the service fee.

Why do people come and ask me to do things when I'm listening to the rain delayed race on the radio? Not that it matters, because it's tough to follow a restrictor plate race on radio. And what's the deal with people needing stuff done at 4:30?

Tomorrow, I'll be off the WalMart for some new tires for the Nuggie Buggie. Whoo hoo!

1 comment:

Ethel said...

At least you didn't have a psychotic Jimmie Johnson fan tormenting you with details and then gloating. ;)