Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I said kidley, diddle I?

Ok, another Star Trek line for a title. I've been quiet here lately. I'm still kinda in shock because I have to have a kidney removed. According to the doctor, it just one of those things that happen. I didnt' do anything to cause it. My surgery is scheduled for September the 7th, so don't be surprised if blog posting dry up a little after that.


Juanita said...

I :heart: you Nuggie.

RIP Kidney.

Ethel said...

You just want to sell it on the black market. ;-)

j/k of course. Lots of good vibes heading out for you & the Mrs.

Do you get to keep your kidney? That would make a sweet paperweight, you know...

Anonymous said...

I pray that all goes well. I read about this on "The Ethel Experience" which I added to my blogroll the first time I read it. I hope that you get well soon.

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