Thursday, August 10, 2006

Uh oh, Dear Readers

It's been about a month since I started my comic reviews, which mean that I'm now on the second issue of my monthly titles.

Yesterday I picked up Wolverine Origins #5, 52 #14, Secret Six #3 and The Next #2.

I reviewed the first three here My first reviews and Secret Six was reviewed here Another set of reviews

Last week, I mentioned that I had subscribe to some comics. This was a test of sort. Subscribing to a comic is about 10 dollars cheaper over the course of a year. The drawback is that you get the books a couple of weeks later than they show up in the comic shop. The other issue was that the subscription didn't start for 6-8 weeks, so I couldn't pick up the book, for it might have been delivered. I'll keep a watch and see how this works out. I may keep the subscription, or just go back to picking them up at the comic shop. For the record, I've subscribed to Batman, Detective Comics, Superman, and Action Comics. I subscribed at DC Comics If I'm not completely satisfied, I may try a third party online subscription service, or just pick up stuff at my local comic shop.


Juanita said...

Dear John,

I'm really sorry that I don't follow your comic book stuff (well, not really or I'd do something about it which I'm unwilling to do) but I wanted to comment so you knew I was here.


Nuggie99 said...

What are you unwilling to do? I are confused.

Juanita said...

I mentioned I was sorry that I didn't follow your comic book stuff. But then I decided I wasn't really sorry because if I were sorry then I'd follow it.

Try to keep up.

NineCats said...

Careful Nuggie, she's trying to use circular logic on you! ;-)